CASS The Psychology of Survey Response

Začetek: Maj 10, 2010
Konec: Maj 12, 2010
Kraj: London
Organizator: Courses In Applied Social Surveys
The course has three major objectives:

* To cover what is known about how respondents answer survey questions;

* To examine how problems in each component of the response process can produce reporting errors;

* To apply these findings to issues in the design of survey questionnaires.

Both attitudinal and behavioral questions will be discussed. The course will include examples applying findings from the literature on cognitive aspects of survey methods to improve questions.

This course examines survey questions from a psychological perspective. It describes the major psychological components of the response process, including comprehension of the questions, retrieval of information from memory, combining and supplementing information from memory through judgment and inference, and the reporting of an answer. It discusses several models of how respondents answer questions in surveys, reviews the relevant psychological and survey literatures, and traces out the implications of these theories and findings for survey practice, especially for design of questionnaires. Participants should be familiar with survey measurement and associated problems. Basic knowledge of psychology is helpful but not required.