5th ESRC Research Methods Festival

Začetek: Julij 2, 2012
Konec: Julij 5, 2012
Kraj: Oxford
Organizator: The Economic and Social Research Council
National Centre for Research Methods is organising the 5th ESRC Research Methods Festival, once again at the St Catherine's College in Oxford. The festival takes place on 2-5 July 2012.

This biennial event attracted over 800 delegates in 2010 and we expect that the exciting programme will draw as many, if not even more, in 2012.

Bookings for the 5th ESRC Research Methods Festival are now open.

Festival themes

The interface between social and natural sciences

Methodological innovations

Mixed and multimodal methods

Career and skills development

Interventions and evaluations

Keynote speakers

Professor Sir John Beddington, Government Office for Science: The challenges of the 21st century - the ineluctable need for multidisciplinarity

Professor Andrew Abbott, University of Chicago: The vicissitudes of methods

Professor Gillian Rose, Open University: Now you see it, now you don't - visual culture and visual methods

Professor Laura Stoker, University of California, Berkeley: Choosing and combining units - common problems in multilevel and cross-temporal research