Following recommendations to contain the epidemic, 2020: Probability panel

19. 11. 2024

Authors of Research:  Zupanič Sanja, Muršič Zarja, Luštrik Roman, Zorko Andraž and Slavec Ana

Year of Research:  2020

Keywords: epidemic, pandemic, new coronavirus, coronavirus, Slovenia, SARS-CoV-2, health care, taking care of self-health, caring for others' health, health protection measures, affection for vaccination, reasons for and against vaccination, opinion on recommendations and measures for limiting the epidemic, application OstaniZdrav, way of coming to work, social life, errands, epidemiology, covid-19, human behaviour, public opinion, employment, work at home, trust in government, shopping, consumption.

In mid-November 2020, independent experts from various fields connected as members of the civil initiatives COVID-19 Sledilnik and Young Doctors (Mladi zdravniki) conducted a survey with which they wanted to find out to what extent the people of Slovenia followed the recommendations to limit the epidemic of COVID-19. In total, 527 people responded to the online questionnaire, which was distributed through the online panel of Valicon. Based on this data, authors analyzed their work mobility, visits and adherence to protective recommendations in the last seven days. The questionnaire was also used in a survey on a random sample ( In addition to the questions from the present research, data file also contains sets of questions (internet, shopping, lifestyle), which were part of individual surveys within the panel during 2020, however, questionnaires are not available. The results of the survey show that quite a few workers could work from home, which would reduce the likelihood of risky contacts, and that people adhere to the recommendations most when running errands, i.e. in completely public spaces, significantly less at the workplace, and the least during visits, i.e. in private spaces.

Cite the data:
Zupanič, S., Muršič, Z., Luštrik, R., Zorko, A. and Slavec, A. (2024). Following the recommendations to limit the epidemic, 2020: Probability panel [Data file]. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani = University of Ljubljana, Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov = Slovenian Social Science Data Archives. ADP - IDNo: OMEPVE20.

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