Immigrant Integration through Civic and Political Participation, 2023: Views on civil society and political participation

23. 10. 2024

Authors of Research: Medvešek Mojca, Bešter Romana, Hafner Fink Mitja, Novak Meta, Pirc Janez, Todić Antonija and Zavratnik Simona

Year of Research: 2023


Key words: political participation, civic participation, migrants, integration, satisfaction, interest in politics, trust, discrimination, voting behaviour, attitudes towards political action, immigrants, political interest, politics, political ideologies


In modern societies, we face complex challenges related to civil society and political participation. One of them is people's lack of interest in cooperation, which is, among other things, the result of alienation from political processes and decreasing trust in institutions. In recent decades, alternative forms of civil society and political participation have developed, such as participation in social movements, non-governmental organizations and various forms of volunteering. Along with changes in the forms and levels of civil society and political participation, challenges related to migration also arise in this area. The participation of immigrants has become an important topic in professional and political discussions. Opinions are growing that immigrants must have the opportunity to participate in the political affairs of the country of immigration. At the same time, there is still widespread fear that the political activity of immigrants will cause various types of conflicts in the internal and external politics of the country. The research “Integration of immigrants through civil society and political participation, 2023”, conducted by researchers from Institute for Ethnic Studies and Faculty of  Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, includes empirical data that bring knowledge about how, compared to the majority population, the civil society and political participation of immigrants takes place, which factors hinder and  promote the civil society and political participation of immigrants, what is the attitude of the majority of the population towards the civil society and political participation of immigrants and, last but not least, what are the effects of the civil society and political participation of immigrants in Slovenia from the point of view of integration. Immigrants and the majority population, aged 18 and over, were included in the survey. The data in the research was collected through a survey, either online (1Ka) or via a paper questionnaire received by mail. The survey with the majority population was carried out as part of the Slovenian public opinion survey 2022/2 (, starting in October 2022, while the survey covering the immigrant population started in November 2022. The survey was answered by 1,303 people, of which 1,041 within the SJM222 and 262 from the sample of immigrants.


Cite the data:

Medvešek, M., Bešter, R., Hafner Fink, M., Novak, M., Pirc, J., Todić, A. and Zavratnik, S. (2024). Immigrant Integration through Civic and Political Participation, 2023: Views on civil society and political participation [Data file]. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani = University of Ljubljana, Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov = Slovenian Social Science Data Archives. ADP - IDNo: IPCP23.

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