SiOHCA: Out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in Slovenia, 2022

01. 07. 2024

Authors of Research: Petravić Luka, Burger Evgenija, Keše Urša, Kulovec Domen, Lopes Miguel Faria, Miklič Rok, Pintarič Tilen, Poljanšek Eva, Šircelj Gašper, Tomšič Gašper, Turnšek Ema, Brezovnik Miha and Strnad Matej

Year of Research: 2022

Key words: medical sciences, heart diseases, heart arrest, heart attack, heart stroke, disorders of heart function, cardiac arrest mortality, lifeguards, treatment of cardiac patients, emergency medical assistance, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), hospital care of cardiac patients, defibrillation, mechanical circulatory support to the heart, cardioverter - defibrillator, drug application in cardiac arrest, causes of cardiac arrest, place of cardiac arrest, dispatcher's response to cardiac arrest, eyewitness response to cardiac arrest, emergency and protective services, heart diseases, resuscitation, medical care, public health, paramedical personnel,


Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is a cardiac event defined as a sudden loss of cardiac mechanical contraction, with loss of signs of cardiac circulation, that occurs in an out-of-hospital setting and is associated with high mortality. Slovenia does do not yet have a registry of cardiac arrests like some other developed countries in Europe and worldwide, which makes it impossible to adequately process statistical data that would contribute to a higher quality of patient care. The purpose of the research was to find out how to better collect OHCA data in Slovenia. The goal was to create a database that complies with the Utstein 2015 protocol and can combine all data points that are already collected in Slovenia. The research collected data on out-of-hospital cardiac arrests according to two standards, that is EuReCa THREE and Utstein 2015. For the purpose of the research, the authors translated Utstein standard which was created based on the consensus of international experts into Slovenian language and added (for easier fulfilment) EuReCa THREE questions to the questionnaire. Data was collected by doctors who treated the patient in the field as part of the Emergency medical service. Collection took place from 1 September to 31 December 2022, with active recording (OHCA) of events taking place until the end of November 2022, after which the patient's condition was monitored for another month (December 2022). The data file contains n=294 units and is available upon request.



Cite the data:

Petravić, L., Burger, E., Keše, U., Kulovec, D., Lopes, M. F., Miklič, R., Pintarič, T., Poljanšek, E., Šircelj, G., Tomšič, G., Turnšek, E., Brezovnik, M. and Strnad, M. (2024). SiOHCA: Out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in Slovenia, 2022 [Data file]. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani = University of Ljubljana, Arhiv družboslovnih podatkov = Slovenian Social Science Data Archives. ADP - IDNo: SIOHCA22. 

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