A two day face-to-face conference on data sharing and secondary data analysis in child and youth wellbeing research will be held on 9th and 10th December 2024 in Zagreb, Croatia, along with a one-day statistical course on how to access and compare data from different sources on 11th December 2024.
We invite researchers, policy practitioners, data analysts, curators and archivists from academic, government and NGO sectors who are working on topics related to child and youth wellbeing to participate in the conference and attend the course. The conference will provide an opportunity to present participants' own work, exchange experiences, learn about secondary data analysis, and understand how to safely share data. The course will demonstrate how existing data can be accessed and will showcase procedures for combining and visualising data from different sources.
More about the event: https://www.coordinate-network.eu/post/conference-and-course-on-data-sharing-and-secondary-data-analysis-in-childand-youth-well-being-resea
5. December 2024
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Delavnica Vozlišča RDA Slovenija o odprti znanosti na Arnesovi konferenci Mreža znanja 2024
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