Oxford Spring School 2011 short course: Analyzing network dynamics using RSiena

Začetek: Marec 22, 2011
Konec: Marec 24, 2011
Kraj: University of Oxford
The course will give an introduction to statistical modelling of longitudinal network data and demonstrate the basics of using the RSiena program, a package in the statistical system R.

Information about the method and the program is available at


No previous knowledge of this method or of R is required, but a basic knowledge of network analysis and of statistical modelling including logistic regression is assumed. The course will treat dynamics of networks as well as the simultaneous dynamics of networks and behaviour, and also other more advanced topics such as model specification, multivariate networks, structurally determined values, and goodness of fit checking.

To get maximal profit out of the workshop, participants are advised to bring a laptop with a working recent version of R installed. No previous knowledge of R is necessary, but participants should have figured out before the workshop how to run R on their machine. This applies especially to Mac or Linux users, because they will be on their own with respect to handling their operating system.

* Participants from academic institutions: £360

* Participants from non-academic institutions: £540